Damon Braces in Mont-Royal, QC
Centre Dentaire Beaumont DMD is pleased to offer our patients Damon Smile braces. Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the archwire, reducing the amount of pressure exerted on the teeth and allowing the teeth to move more freely, quickly, and comfortably. Thanks to these innovative braces, achieving your perfect smile can be faster and easier than you ever thought possible!
Fast Treatment
See results quickly! While treatment time can vary, the Damon System treatment can be up to six months faster than traditional braces. While the invisible aligners can be effective at straightening some crooked teeth, not everyone is a candidate. Contrary to that, Damon works all day to perfectly align ALL teeth for a beautiful smile that enhances your entire facial appearance.
Greater Comfort without Tightening
The Damon System tends to provide more comfortable orthodontic treatment than traditional braces. This is because Damon uses tieless braces that don't need to be "tightened" and are gentle to the teeth and tissues. Other styles of braces use elastics or active clips that bind arch-wires in place, which can slow down treatment and cause pain.